Hello, my name is Reuben Major, and I am a paramedic instructor program director for Arizona and the Chief Executive Officer for EMS University. Today, we're going to be discussing incident command and mass casualty incidents. What is a mass casualty incident? Well, a mass casualty incident is any event that places excessive demands on personnel or equipment that's on hand. This could be anything. Some particular jurisdictions will define mass casualty incidents as having over a certain number of patients, and for a local protocol, it may vary. But in all reality, what happens with a mass casualty incident is that it taxes the system. So, we have to find a way to manage these situations that is as effective as possible. The most common types of mass casualty incidents include highway accidents. Highway accidents, by far, are the most common MCIs because they occur on such a regular basis. This is especially true for your locality if you have a large highway that has a lot of traffic running through it on a regular basis. The more cars that there are traveling on the highway or even on the interstates, you're going to find a lot of these issues. And then also, airplane crashes, although they don't necessarily occur on a regular basis, when they do occur, they are pretty dramatic. If you have a major fire, you're going to have a lot of issues to deal with in command situations. There's also a possibility that you might have mass casualties. Train derailments is another one. They've had a few recent train derailments, fortunately, they've been managed very well. And then building collapses, those can be quite difficult to deal with. Apologize for that. And then hazardous material releases, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods, natural disasters. So, what do we do...
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