Hello everyone for joining us today for incident command system tabletop exercise so just as a reminder for little housekeeping we are recording this webinar so if it for any moment you drop off or you have any colleagues who aren't able to make it today we will be recording and sending out the recording and the slides within a few days if you have any questions during the webinar be sure to go to the Q&A function on your GoToWebinar panel to submit your questions and make sure you select all panelists if you're on Twitter feel free to tweet us at ever bridge using the hashtag hashtag ever bridge so before we start the general session for the webinar today be sure to go to the handouts section on the GoToWebinar panel and download the accompanying white paper the ten step model for designing tabletop exercises it is is authored by our speaker today steve crimando so with that being said let's jump into the agenda today we're going to be discussing designing a drill going through the ten step model we're going to talk about pre exercise planning actually running through an exercise and then what to do for after-action reporting that will be followed by a five to ten minute Q&A session so at this point Steve I'm going to hand over to you you may begin when you're ready all right Michael thank you very much let me just make a switch over here to my slides for a moment in start our show and thank you everyone for taking the time to join us today as Michael said there is the the companion white paper along with the program and I will be making reference to that a few times throughout the throughout the...
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